Akwuba ijeoma Celina

Eden" the beautiful garden owned by Celina Angeles "a second princess amongst four princesses
" the princess had gone to her garden to
dwell amongst thorns"
said princess Flora, "Lina's immediate younger sister, she is the third princess of four"
" King Angeles is the king of the kingdom, who inherited leadership from his father ("king Brigham") he is the father to the four beautiful princess
Flora and princess Rose"
He is a very autocratic king that ruled the kingdom to cruel impetus.
When his father was alive, he demanded stricter laws for the low- waged peasants.
But his father being a swift- humble and lovable king turned down the offer and cautioned him (king Angeles) to be like him (king Brigham) thereby leading the people with humility , love, peace and harmony. But king Angeles gave deaf ear to his Father's instructions, by leading in his own way, brutally.
Before king Brigham died , Lina found favour in his sight, that he handed a garden of over 300,000 plots of land to her as heritage unknown to her dad (king Angeles.)
When king Brigham was alive, Lina was his pet, even though he had animal pet (a very huged lion, called (rocky-bone) the brown dog(kaylus) and a golden striped white cat(golden) as his favorite animal pets. Lina's pet name by king Brigham is "Sunshine or sweet melody.
The king said:
" when I am down, you raised me up,
Every morning you reminds of the dawn
You make my tea even when I have over fifthy-thousand servants and over two -thousand servant aspirants, out of them all" I love your service" it is a clean service from a pure heart, you are my "Sunshine" Lina, you are my "sweet Melody", that is your name and that's who you are to me
From ages to ages, as long as I live, your name shall remain in my mouth
Yes my sunshine, yes my sweet melody"
I am your sunshine
And you are my bliss
A good king with a cool mind
As long as I live, your name shall remain in my heart and mind oh "my blissful king Brigham.
Lina hug the king and they both chuckled to Bliss.
Saturdays are usually their fun day coz it is the days that got the blissfullness: a day of enthusiasm for princess Lina and grand king Brigham.
Lina is the type of person that likes singing alot while king Brigham loves playing guitar, violin and harps; even at his old age.
Lina's cousin "miss spunky likes to waltz with her younger brother " mister gregory" : She can dance ballet too and can twirk tremendously, she's really a great dancer even at her childhood age of ten.
It is the seventh day, therefore, princess Lina , miss spunky and mister Gregory had gone to the grand King's room to keep him company since he's
already old that he can no longer come to the palace to sit on the throne of leadership, Neither does he had the strength to visit the singing cottage which is located in the palace close to his old castle.
Lina had decided to compose a song for him to enlighten his mood and ease his gloomy feelings of old age while he lives to die...she sang thus
"You are my king
You are my granny
You are my cute... sweet smelling king"
You are my bliss
The reason I'm smiling
You are my caring loving king
Then the grand king will respond thus:
You are my child
You are my Sunshine
You are my dope....sweet smelling child
Then they will chorus together
You are my ....
Brigham: sunshine
The reason I'm smiling
You are my caring loving ...
LINA: King
King Brigham : Child.
Lina sings in light auto while the king sang in bass
While she sang, the old king operated the violin while the two siblings "miss Spunky and mister Gregory who left island to visit the palace on school vacation period, they danced, waltzed and twirled around and the king smiled to bliss until they dismissed to their different apartments.
When the king became ill, princess Lina had always prayed the rosery with him and asked the Almighty to keep him alive , She sneeked to the garden to plant rose flowers and plug sweet smelling pinky roses for her grand father "king Brigham"
And she always prepare the green tea for him every morning as breakfast.
Lina's kind gesture to the grand king stimulated him to hand over the lovely garden which he named the "Royal garden but his son ( King Angeles ) named it the " garden of thorns" this is because, he (king Angeles) dislikes anything that has to do with "garden" with passions. He vowed that no part of him should visit or belong to the garden of thorns"
" I am a royal princehood, I have my place in the palace and nothing concerns me with the garden of thorns!
They are the peasants!
Therefore, the garden belongs to them! "
this was the kings statement to his dad when he was still a prince to show his hatred for farming.
But lina loves the garden. She named it "the garden of eden" since it was a forbidden garden by her dad.
Grand king was glad that there's a part of him that belongs to the farm, this means there's a part of him that is still humble, then he said to Lina
"You are my sunshine
My cool sunshine
You have my heart within
Whatever I like are the things you like
Whatever matters to me matters to you
Therefore, I give my world to you.
The old king kicked the bucket at Lina's hand. And Lina wept to foul, singing the song and composing a poem
You grieved my heart and let me be
You answered their call and forget my call
Grand father
Grand king
Oh my old soul
You had the passion to live and to leave
Granny had lived for me
And left me to a far distance
Oh great and humble king
She looked up to the sky and said to the sun
After you he named me his sunshine
And while you shine
He shined to leave
Leaving me his sunshine behind....
And leaving the whole kingdom to sorrow
Oh sunshine
The cool sunshine
If you are sunshine
Shine and shine within the soul
And rise him from fouls that his soul might live for me
Ah! My old sunshine is gone
If a sunshine is gone how will the gloomy day be
Tell me
How will darkness disappear!
Lina and the whole kingdom wept for the soul of the great king.
But there's a joy behind the world, so they had to live and leave the tears behind but Lina had to live for his grand dad....
And his name is still on her lips and within her heart
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