season 2 (episode 3)
My First Semester Exam
A story by
Akwuba ijeoma Celina
It was as if heaven will shift and fall on my head, when I saw the first question
I had looked at it very carefully to know if I could capture something that looks similar with what I read from the net concerning the course, yet everything looked absolutely different, as if he set the questions from another course
The exam's questions looked so confusing and frustrating
Even our course rep. Was not writing at all, he too was confused:
"Where are all these questions coming from nah....!"
Adaobi, an intelligent igbo girl that was sitting very close to me exclaimed
In self pity.
I could hear some boys hissing
And some girls murmuring and chewing gum very loud in the exam hall
"Hahahaha, Nancy is sleeping"
Demi" laughed out loud
"Is that why you are laughing as if your surname is Laughton?"
"No sir, " I laughed by mistake" I'm sorry sir"
He responded funny.
This statement "laugh by mistake, stimulated more laughter on the student
Therefore, everyone laughed . It was as if we were in a normal class where no lecturer was around
" why do you sleep in class" said another invigilator from the back?
Nancy stood up and said that she wasn't feeling very strong:
"Ah some students had fallen sick in the exam hall!
Omowumi exclaimed
"This is what we call "exam fever"
Shouted another comedian from behind.
Diary, you remember I told you that I have many comedians in my class
In episode four?
Titled "Demi's silly joke on Kemi"
There are the same people that are cracking jokes in the exam hall forgetting that our result depends even on this very course
They forgot that there's time for everything...
I didn't laugh oh; I was just looking (@^@)
(lina just bluffed)
I laughed joor"
Yes! We all did
This is because no one knew what to write on the answer booklet.
While the law students where busy talking , the ISD student that where separated from us were busy writing, they are the main owners of the Course.
I remembered recently, What aunty Flora told me " the lecturers of a borrowed course are usually very strict to the students that had the course borrowed
They do this for blocking/ sorting sake
So that there will be a massive failure among the students that borrowed the course and those that failed the course will pay to the lecturer a ransom amount of money for better grades
This is another way in which poor/greedy lecturers uses to maintain themselves
It's a shame though, so disgusting that some of them are very greedy.
When I asked her a question
She said they were being paid very well
It's just an act of wickedness and foolishness from the lecturers
No wonder we had The crudest invigilators near us, shouting and yawning very loud to our hearings in other to enhance more distractions on us
Hu , it was so annoying .
"Hey! You what are you looking at!
You illiterate
Must you look at another person's booklet..."
Shouted the invigilator with the biggest mouth! No wonder his mouth is so big
" I wondered if he had washed his mouth this early morning, my granny said that,
" people with the smelling mouth talks a lot , so that he can spread the bacteria in his dirty mouth to go viral, normally, a stinking mouth doesn't supposed to be talking so loud, only the foolish ones do"
"Amina" "a Yoruba girl that doesn't like people with a big mouth, especially those that talk too much said...." I don't know why he keeps talking, " I wonder if he still want to enlarge that his big mouth again, hu! nawa oh" she concluded
I was just looking at him, in a very careful way, coz in as much as it isn't advisable for students to insult lecturers, it is also advisable for them not to invoke insults on the students
That is why we go to school
"To learn and to be learned"
As I was still looking at the lecturer and wondering why he's always opening and closing his mouth as if he was in a chieftaincy meeting, another one with the tiniest leg said
"You law student thinks you are brilliant enough
You can't even challenge an ISD student in same course
Shame on you guys!
The main lecturer said out loud, he's the same person with the tiniest leg, biggest head and still having pot belly on top.
That Mr lecture who hardly come to class
And whenever he happen to be around, he either give an assignment or a text from a topic he didn't teach .
"Sir! Let's see their own question paper!
I guess you had set something very different from ours.
No wonder you asked us not to go out with the question paper"
Shouted the assistance course rep. In a frustrated manner.
we were eager to see the question paper
But he yawned and screamed at us as if we were a big deaf cow.
" will you keep quiet "
Keep quiet you fools!
"Ah this isn't fair at all
Said aunty Flora when I called her on phone and explained everything to her
She continues
" Nigerian students are facing too many abnormalities.
"How can a lecturer call a student a fool, that means he 've been teaching foolishness in the class"
I laughed
She continues
"This sort of thrash doesn't exist here in U.k, a student have the right to sue a lecturer to cult"
She based abroad, but she schooled here in Nigeria during her bachelor's degree program , but thereafter, she furthered her masters oversea.
She was so upset with the way we do things here . she continues
"They have no right to set questions aside from what they thought you guys.
And no right to shout at the students during exam period.
Screaming in the exam hall causes disorder in human brain, therefore, it might result to psychological syndrome. coz some students doesn't study, they read and cram words instead of learning, therefore, shouting can disorganise the brain thereafter, letting the student to forget what he read and this leads to too much thinking on the student's part"
And this could cause a very poor result, and low GP too.
Lina, if education system continues like this in our country; I mean if they doesn't change the constitution of educational sector in Nigeria, I'll will take you out from that country. You will do your masters here.
She concluded.
I was enthusiastic for her statesment, she's a good aunt that cares for her sister's daughter.
But I really love my country,, just that I don't like the way things are being performed here.
After the exam, when we came out from the hall
Some student's eye were already red,
as red as red oil. even Clara was sniffing, she suddenly develop catarrh at a moment.
When I went to meet her to know why her eyes were red like that, and nose drawing like okra soup, she told me a short story thus:
When I was writing, I didn't say a peep,
But Mr Desmond (the lecturer)
Seized my book and refuse to give it back to me, now that we are through with exams, he said I should come and see him in his office otherwise," I fail his course"
When I went to his office, he told me to come and see him in a hotel room tonight otherwise I'll see an F9 in my result.
Now I'm so scared lina, what does he want from me, that big head, big tommy, and tiny legged lecturer....what does he want from me Lina!
She sniffed again, and I had pity on my friend Clara, she has been so good to me you know.
So I said to her : if a lecturer sieze your sheet and call you a failure; don't cry and weep coz it means you had already passed the exam, just pray to God and believe your case is settled.
Just don't make a mistake by going to see him in a hotel room, it's a temptation to your success.
She smiled and said to me "thanks Hunn"
Therefore, we cuddled and left the exam venue.
Ah! Its
One thousand, two hundred and twenty-three words already.
I'll stop here for now...see you next time diary, you know I still have more papers to write, and I don't want what happened to day to repeat itself again. So see you lera...bye...
(So Lina dropped her pen, and opened the door for her friends to come in, they had something to figure out concerning the rubbish chat that unknown friends were chatting with them online, they still want to know who miss Spunky and Pascal is and so they went online ....
But then, they remembered they still have more papers to write during these days of the week.
So they decided to be calm and offline until they are through with the exams so they had to deal with those online gurus in a very serious way)
The diary of the four school girls....season 2 (episode 4) loading.............
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