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Monday, 18 September 2017
SEASON 2(Episode 4)
A Story By
Akwuba IJeoma Celina
It was on the month of August
The weather was beautiful
So the atmosphere was cool
The uniben garden like the orchard releases cool breaze
And the leaves falls ablaze:
"making the environment dirty
Especially the car park
While the workers keeps working
The students from "ekosodin" keeps walking
"a village located close to the school back gate where students dwells
Many calls it the "cultists platform"
I had gone tthere on evening to be with my friend "Cynthia"
This is the girl that shew the hostel bathroom to me on my first day in school
She had always wanted to see me around since the day she left the school hostel
At hall 2.
She sold her hostel space and used the money to rent an apartment at the school back gate called ekosodin.
Meanwhile, since today, is our last day of exam , I had decided to visit her on Saturday evening at around 6:30pm, so that I could spend the whole of Sunday with her, conclusively, It was fun staying at ekosodin villa with Cynthia whose new apartment is very awesome with lovely hostel mates .hmmm, that makes me to have a second thought💭..... "should I sell my space?
When I got to the exam hall
I could notice some uniben workers sweeping the exam hall while some students are still sitting and others standing up from their sits to create space for the sweeper to keep sweeping, and making the classroom clean and cozy for the students.
The room was dusty and I could notice a plantain chips seller who came to sell market that early morning for the students before the exam commence
This young lady was close to a student who was breathing furiously and uncontrollably as if she wanna kick a bucket
"she's asthmatic!
Take her out from the dust!
Use an inhaler on her!
Shouted Emmy the course Rep who was just coming into the class to give us news for the day.
Unfortunately, grandy, the girl who's asthmatic, the same girl who needs an inhaler to calm her furious breath down didn't come to the class with an inhaler for the ailment.
Then Andy the guy who's known for big grammar spoke thus " hey Emmy, is there any agency in uniben available to psychodramiz the psychosomatic syndrome called asthma?
Emmy did not understand the gramma
Niether does the class
But how could Andy be speaking such a difficult grammar when there's a more difficult thing to handle
Who will now start cracking brain in other to understand and answer Andy's question that came with a big grammar.
I noticed uzo the one who claims he knows all language standing up to explain to the class what Andy had just said
He is still the same person who can stammer for africa
uzo is still the guy that stammers e'en when he laughs... Thus nobody had the time to listen to his long hilarious explanations
Then I looked at grandy, the one who's also a twin sister to Andy the same guy that spoke big grammar and I said to him
"back Your sister
I only know of one agency that can treat your siser's syndrome at the moment
"uniben health center "
I said....
But then, there's an invigilator by the side, they had come with the exam booklets
So that we can commence with the exam
What should I do now?
Should I stay behind for the exam or should I go with Andy and her sister to the health center?
As I was still thinking I remembered one movie I watched while I was at home in lag....
"the woman who was asthmatic and the husband who breath his breath in her
So I had to try it out to know if it would work
So Andy lay his sis down so that she can face the ceiling while I did exactly what the young man did to his wife
And behold after some minutes, grandy who was almost ready to give up the ghost regained her consciousness...
So everyone was happy as we rearranged every rummaged place for the comfortablility of the exam thereby, keeping our bags and anything that may implicate us during the exam aside.
So we wrote to bliss....
Chapter 6
A Story By
Akwuba ijeoma Celina
It is winter period:The well has blocks of ice within, the workers in the farm are cold and tired The little sheeps suckling from their mother's breasts, the maiden standing beside the burning wood , warming themselves and warming the food, the herds men and women, leading the sheep and cattle, and some chariot men under their coat, sleeping on their horses with serious coldness, while others yawn for food.
One man says
Hey! Angelina! When will the tea be ready?
And the other says
"When will the meat be set!"
The maidens are still busy, warming themselves and warming the food, even when the food is ready, they keeps warming it, no one wants to leave the burning scene because the whether is too cold...later, Angelina, the head of the maidens says out loud to the workers.
It is first of sept.!
The winter has just began!
We the ladies are lazy and cold!
We can freeze from the winter Dearie's
Coz we are weaker vessels
Please come to the burning place where we gather to make your meal!
I believe everyone will be happy coz it seems like summer here!
Hey! How are u gals doing over there?"
Julius the lazy servant and the youngest if them asked, raising his tiny arm that has the hands covered with mitten.
We are not hot here!
We are not cold here!
We cool here!
Said Louis who seems to be in love with him
She continues
"You can come and stay right here by myside! We can cuddle ourselves for better feelings till the winter fades!
Then we resume for work baby!
" oh yes honey! There I come!
We cuddle till winter fades! (They cuddles)
"We kiss till winter travel" (they kissed, not knowing the princess was at their mist until she spoke and they bowed)
It is good to be in love
But don't get drunk for love!
Said the princess
"Yes, your highness." They bowed before her and chuckled in Bliss
Lina chuckked too and said to them..
Under this whether, this cool climate, or atmosphere; the first winter season of the year: you maidens work, the herdsmen guilding the sheep's and the chariot men sleeping on their horses some yawning for food to regain strength in other to continue working on the garden.
Day to day,
Week to week,
Month to month
And year to year
You men and women had worked hard and tirelessly just to keep a garden.
Are you aware that the kings dad is dead?
" no . your Highness"
"We are not suppose to know until we are done with this section. Your highness.
Why ? Is it under the law?
" No your Highness!
It is the responsibility of the next workers to tell us the latest news since there's no means of communication in this garden except when someone from the outside this garden comes in to announce to us"
Said the chief herdsmen.
"The kings dad, my sweet grand father died a few months ago before now and nobody delivered the information to you people?
" nobody will, if the king (king Angeles) didn't give the order your highness."
Oh I see! My father doesn't like the farm
But I do.
When my grand father was alive , I told my passion for the farm and he handed it over to me. But my dad doesn't want any part of him to belong here, so, it is a secrete that I am here.
I must do the work of my grand father, because I love working on the farm.
And so, I discharge those that wants to be discharged, and I continue with those that are eager to work . let me know if you are ready for work
"Yes! We are ready to work with the princess!
Shouted ten workers excitedly.
There was a women from afar, she was mute with five others .
I am here as prisoner.
For eight months I haven't seen my children
Please release me.
" me too!
Shouted another from the farm
"And me too"
Shouted two others.
These five people were sent to work on the farm for five years because of their atrocities. They pleaded to be forgiven and released and their wish was granted.
The princess was sure that the king must hard forgotten about them.
As for Julius and Louis
You are lovers in the farm
You have no choice than to work with me.
The two lovers were happy to find favour in the sight of the King's daughter.
And so they said, its our pleasure to work with you your highness.we find delight in your sight .
They were happy that they are lovers in the sight of the princess.
This made Louis to day dream on how h
chapter 5
Royal Call
A story By
Akwuba IJeoma Celina
There's another call in the royal household
"Your highness! The king wants your presence at the royal meeting"
Maryanne " the Queen's messenger had called the" Queen"
She looked at her and said
"Why has your face turned pale, Maryanne?
" I'm sorry your Highness, I am not in the right position to reveal my present predicament "
"I am your Queen, talk to me"
"As you wish your Highness (she bow)
My Friend's granny was sent to the garden of thorns as a punishment for what he knew not of, am sure he had committed no atrocities your Highness"
"I'm aware of that Maryanne, the king sends no one to the garden of thorn out of the persons atrocities, he does that out of his own will"
"Permit me your Highness to ask" why does he do that?
"This is because when his father (King Brigham) was still ruling, and when king Angeles was still a young prince, he's father sent him to the royal garden for a purpose I know not of."
"(Bows ) oh your Highness, but his royal Majesty, late king Brigham was not a bad king, I believed he went to the garden with him for a good purpose"
"Yes, Maryanne, he did. But you know your king, " right from when he was much younger, he likes royalties and classy things, according to him," he expected a garden of gold instead of a garden where sheep and other creeping things dwell" he's annoyance was because he was bitten by an ant in the royal garden, therefore, the mission wasn't complete coz he cried all through the day. So he had phobia for the bush and anything that has to do with it thereof"
Oh your Highness"
"He sends only men at the age of 55 years old to the garden, this is because his father was at that age when they visited the farm, bearly looks like a punishment to his own father, because he said, " I'll pay you back with your people, " it is a record on his dairy"
"Oh, please your highness, Permit me to say this , " the destiny of this great kingdom lies in the shoulder of his magesty, king Angeles your husband, whatever he does to the least of this brotherhood, he does to the billions of generations unborn"
"I'm aware of that Maryanne, I'm trying my best as a Queen to make sure he change thereby, exhibiting the right altitude"
"Thanks, your Highness, and may the almighty be with you"
"(Smiles) I'm delighted Maryanne, I'll be in the royal gathering soon" send my words to the king"
"I will. Your Highness(she bowed and left)
The Queen's messenger ( Maryanne) met mister Gideon(the King's messenger) and delivered the Queen's words to him and he delivered the message to the king....
Saying :
" the Queen will be before you, soon, your magesty".
He bowed and went back to his position.
The princesses had gathered before the king except Lina, soon the Queen arrived to the meeting point and still Lina was no where to be found.
" where's the other part of me "Celina"?"Her maid had gone to call her."
Said princess Debra(the oldest princess)
Soon Candy arrived at the meeting point,
She delivered a message to the King's messenger and he came to the king and said
"Princess Lina is no where to be found your magesty" (bowed)
" my princess is what?
Summon her maiden before me!
At once!!!"
"Candy came before the king and bowed)
"Where had your mistress gone to?
The king asked
"Early this morning I was with her in the royal compound, your magesty (bows).she was with miss spunky (the witty white dog)when I first saw her
"Miss spunky"?
She came ?
"Miss spunky is ...."Candy was interrupted by the Queen
"Hmmmm, yes! Her mum sent her on an errand, she had gone back to island."
"Oh I see"
" why don't you summon her to know if the princess is with her?
"I'm very sure she's not with her my "heartbeat".
The king was aggressed, therefore he yawned and said:
"Then where would she be!
Where will the princess be
Oh Maiden!
Where is your mistress!
Candy stated:
" she was walking around the royal compound in the morning as if she needed to investigate on something, your magesty. I was with her , but she said to me
" go to my castle and get me my royal rain coat" , coz there was a spring that early morning: so I went to her castle and brought her rain-coat for her, your magesty.
Then she said to me:
"I need to be alone"
Therefore, I excused her and watched over her from my cottage.
But then, she was on a horse and then she rode towards the royal back-gate your magesty.(she bowed)
And then the king said:
"The royal back-gate?
For what purpose?
Did she rode towards the garden of thorns?"
"Her maid had gone to call her."
Said princess Debra(the oldest princess)
Soon Candy arrived at the meeting point,
She delivered a message to the King's messenger and he came to the king and said
"Princess Lina is no where to be found your magesty" (bowed)
" my princess is what?
Summon her maiden before me!
At once!!!"
"Candy came before the king and bowed)
"Where had your mistress gone to?
The king asked
"Early this morning I was with her in the royal compound, your magesty (bows).she was with miss spunky (the witty white dog)when I first saw her
"Miss spunky"?
She came ?
"Miss spunky is ...."Candy was interrupted by the Queen
"Hmmmm, yes! Her mum sent her on an errand, she had gone back to island."
"Oh I see"
" why don't you summon her to know if the princess is with her?
"I'm very sure she's not with her my "heartbeat".
The king was aggressed, therefore he yawned and said:
"Then where would she be!
Where will the princess be
Oh Maiden!
Where is your mistress!
Candy stated:
" she was walking around the royal compound in the morning as if she needed to investigate on something, your magesty. I was with her , but she said to me
" go to my castle and get me my royal rain coat" , coz there was a spring that early morning: so I went to her castle and brought her rain-coat for her, your magesty.
Then she said to me:
"I need to be alone"
Therefore, I excused her and watched over her from my cottage.
But then, she was on a horse and then she rode towards the royal back-gate your magesty.(she bowed)
And then the king said:
"The royal back-gate?
For what purpose?
Did she rode towards the garden of thorns?"
chapter 4
Akwuba IJeoma Celina
My Children, the royal blood"
The king had called.
Now that your grand father is dead and that the royal school is still on break, I want to teach you things and show some love to parts of me(his children)
You all are parts of me
My flesh
My blood
My sweat
My strength
You all belongs to me, you are one of me
That's why you bear my name thus:
Princess Debra Angeles( the first daughter) my hope
Princess Celina Angeles("Lina", the second daughter) the one who has a strong heart.
Princess Flora Angeles(third daughter) the one I Cherish
And princess Rosy, the one I love, she's my little pet.
You have my character and that of your mum too,
I take and honour those that inherite my altitudes as precious pets and not like my father that chosed animals as pet thereby, making the palace look like the palace of zoo"
I am a king and I know my specie
Therefore, anything that looks royal are the things that I like:
"I like the palace
I like the throne
I like the castle
I like the royal school that is situated herein
I love my wife
I love my children
And I love my royal families,
Most especially, I love myself.
Anything within this palace are the things that I cherish except the "garden of thorns" that is located at the back-gate of this great palace.
At this juncture, Lina wants to say something but it seems like the king doesn't want an objection
" can I say something daddy?
Go on ,but be brief!
"It's a question"
"Ask your question"
"I just wants to know why you hates the garden, and why you calls it the garden of thorns, your magesty"
"When I was younger, my fucking father(king Brigham) (Lina wept within) took me to the garden which he called " the royal garden to experience things of low lifestyles from the garden, he told me that I would be amazed by the things therein, and so we rode on the horse and down to the garden of thorns,
As a prince , I was expecting something extraordinary like a magic bird singing in a melodious tones
The flowers booming in gold, and smelling like frankincense, and the river having big fish that has sparkles
As a Royal prince, I expected tomb of precious stones like, gold, diamond, silver or almond stones
, this was because, as a child, I was thought to watch magic films and see things in an extraordinary way, only to get to the farm and see thorns, small insects flying all over the garden and making some silly noises that sounded like that of a tiny wintch , I was so scared that I had phobia for bush and the garden to be precise.
"Have you seen wintches before daddy?
Asked princess Flora
" no, princess, but i know their sounds"
He continues
I became motionless and speechless when I perceive and saw "The sheep's feeces that scattered all over the place and the flowers without frankincense. The whole place was a hell just like the way my mother described it, then, an ant bid me and I cried all through the day.
I couldn't complete the journey to the gardens which my father called " royal garden"
Since then, I had nothing to do with what concerns my father, whatever he values are the things I take for granted
"His hundreds of pets, except the lion, the garden, and so forth.
Lina wanted to make more comment about the garden, but her mum (Queen Angelina) gave her signs to be quiet.
This is because "the king might know what you like out of your words; becareful with your questions"
she whispered
so Lina was mute with lots of suggestions to make.
The king continues
"I have all I want
And i want all I have
The things that I like are the things that I have
Therefore, all that I have are the things that seems valuable to me, whatever that doesn't belong to me are the things of no value, and so whatsoever I value, the people cherish.
You all understands my speech?
" Yes daddy."
He continues
There are many castles in my palace, so many building within my dormain
I have all in abundance
My apartments are filled with ostentatious chattels.
Therefore, I have all that I wants to have; the whole kingdom belongs to me.
There are many cottages in this palace, the royal cottages, you acquire all you want within,
Cottage-101 is for any princess that wants to be a professional singer, there are many professional singers in the royal cottage 101 whose duties are to guild and teach you how to sing in royalty.
It is your duties as a princess to do your best and become the best you can be
Coz a time will come when the richest prince from another kingdom will want a wifeyf, and there's need to showcase your talent before him.
And the prince choses whom he likes according to your craft or handiwork.
At my own time, when I wanted a wife, the whole princess from different kingdom gathered at my palace to showcase their talent, I personally chosed your mother because of her ostentatious design and her fairly sparkling beauty.
I married her because she can sing as well.
"Wow! So mummy can sing"
But her songs are ment for me only"
"We are part of you daddy, so let her sing for us"
Flora said
We are, sing for us mummy
Rose suggested.
Then the Queen sang and no one knows when the king slept, coz she sang the kings lullaby.
And this is the reason he said the songs are ment for him....
Since the king had slept, it is time for everyone to dismiss till the next time he calls for family meeting.
Chapter 1
Akwuba IJeoma Celina
Eden" the beautiful garden owned by Celina Angeles "a second princess amongst four princesses
" the princess had gone to her garden to
dwell amongst thorns"
said princess Flora, "Lina's immediate younger sister, she is the third princess of four"
" King Angeles is the king of the kingdom, who inherited leadership from his father ("king Brigham") he is the father to the four beautiful princess
Flora and princess Rose"
He is a very autocratic king that ruled the kingdom to cruel impetus.
When his father was alive, he demanded stricter laws for the low- waged peasants.
But his father being a swift- humble and lovable king turned down the offer and cautioned him (king Angeles) to be like him (king Brigham) thereby leading the people with humility , love, peace and harmony. But king Angeles gave deaf ear to his Father's instructions, by leading in his own way, brutally.
Before king Brigham died , Lina found favour in his sight, that he handed a garden of over 300,000 plots of land to her as heritage unknown to her dad (king Angeles.)
When king Brigham was alive, Lina was his pet, even though he had animal pet (a very huged lion, called (rocky-bone) the brown dog(kaylus) and a golden striped white cat(golden) as his favorite animal pets. Lina's pet name by king Brigham is "Sunshine or sweet melody.
The king said:
" when I am down, you raised me up,
Every morning you reminds of the dawn
You make my tea even when I have over fifthy-thousand servants and over two -thousand servant aspirants, out of them all" I love your service" it is a clean service from a pure heart, you are my "Sunshine" Lina, you are my "sweet Melody", that is your name and that's who you are to me
From ages to ages, as long as I live, your name shall remain in my mouth
Yes my sunshine, yes my sweet melody"
I am your sunshine
And you are my bliss
A good king with a cool mind
As long as I live, your name shall remain in my heart and mind oh "my blissful king Brigham.
Lina hug the king and they both chuckled to Bliss.
Saturdays are usually their fun day coz it is the days that got the blissfullness: a day of enthusiasm for princess Lina and grand king Brigham.
Lina is the type of person that likes singing alot while king Brigham loves playing guitar, violin and harps; even at his old age.
Lina's cousin "miss spunky likes to waltz with her younger brother " mister gregory" : She can dance ballet too and can twirk tremendously, she's really a great dancer even at her childhood age of ten.
It is the seventh day, therefore, princess Lina , miss spunky and mister Gregory had gone to the grand King's room to keep him company since he's
already old that he can no longer come to the palace to sit on the throne of leadership, Neither does he had the strength to visit the singing cottage which is located in the palace close to his old castle.
Lina had decided to compose a song for him to enlighten his mood and ease his gloomy feelings of old age while he lives to die...she sang thus
"You are my king
You are my granny
You are my cute... sweet smelling king"
You are my bliss
The reason I'm smiling
You are my caring loving king
Then the grand king will respond thus:
You are my child
You are my Sunshine
You are my dope....sweet smelling child
Then they will chorus together
You are my ....
Brigham: sunshine
The reason I'm smiling
You are my caring loving ...
LINA: King
King Brigham : Child.
Lina sings in light auto while the king sang in bass
While she sang, the old king operated the violin while the two siblings "miss Spunky and mister Gregory who left island to visit the palace on school vacation period, they danced, waltzed and twirled around and the king smiled to bliss until they dismissed to their different apartments.
When the king became ill, princess Lina had always prayed the rosery with him and asked the Almighty to keep him alive , She sneeked to the garden to plant rose flowers and plug sweet smelling pinky roses for her grand father "king Brigham"
And she always prepare the green tea for him every morning as breakfast.
Lina's kind gesture to the grand king stimulated him to hand over the lovely garden which he named the "Royal garden but his son ( King Angeles ) named it the " garden of thorns" this is because, he (king Angeles) dislikes anything that has to do with "garden" with passions. He vowed that no part of him should visit or belong to the garden of thorns"
" I am a royal princehood, I have my place in the palace and nothing concerns me with the garden of thorns!
They are the peasants!
Therefore, the garden belongs to them! "
this was the kings statement to his dad when he was still a prince to show his hatred for farming.
But lina loves the garden. She named it "the garden of eden" since it was a forbidden garden by her dad.
Grand king was glad that there's a part of him that belongs to the farm, this means there's a part of him that is still humble, then he said to Lina
"You are my sunshine
My cool sunshine
You have my heart within
Whatever I like are the things you like
Whatever matters to me matters to you
Therefore, I give my world to you.
The old king kicked the bucket at Lina's hand. And Lina wept to foul, singing the song and composing a poem
You grieved my heart and let me be
You answered their call and forget my call
Grand father
Grand king
Oh my old soul
You had the passion to live and to leave
Granny had lived for me
And left me to a far distance
Oh great and humble king
She looked up to the sky and said to the sun
After you he named me his sunshine
And while you shine
He shined to leave
Leaving me his sunshine behind....
And leaving the whole kingdom to sorrow
Oh sunshine
The cool sunshine
If you are sunshine
Shine and shine within the soul
And rise him from fouls that his soul might live for me
Ah! My old sunshine is gone
If a sunshine is gone how will the gloomy day be
Tell me
How will darkness disappear!
Lina and the whole kingdom wept for the soul of the great king.
But there's a joy behind the world, so they had to live and leave the tears behind but Lina had to live for his grand dad....
And his name is still on her lips and within her heart
chapter 3
Akwuba Ijeoma Celina
The king's pet was over five thousand in number, including different animals from different species
Starting from the smallest to the biggest
The rodents which are inform of rabbit:
Thus the white English rabbit that has long fur on its nose and precious claws that seems harmless. Its name is Juliana
Juliana had a husband named Ratus and they have six set of children hence:
The first set of Mr and mrs Ratus are four in number
with different names by the late king(king Brigham)
with different names by the late king(king Brigham)
Firstborn "miss lilly took after her mums appearance, she is beautiful and very fun to be with, the king named it miss lilly at her second birthday when he took her to the garden and he found out that she likes dwelling among the lilly flowers. The rabbit at the age of four months was able to understand her name especially when the royal family calls it, she sniffes and walks to the person in exhilaration.
The second was called Abby
Abby is just a lazy rat that sleeps all day
Mister Cyprus need to pick her up and feed her subsequently. At the age of nine weeks , it was still suckling from his mum's boobs
The third was called rocky-ratus
This was because, when it was just at the age of two weeks, it fell from the kings hand and landed on a rock, everyone thought it was dead but it didn't, and so out of astonishment, he picked it up and called it Roky-ratus, he took the name from his father, " RATUS" who wrestled with the first cat that was brought to the palace until it was separated by one of their keepers mister Cyprus. He kept a record of it as usual and shew it to the king saying:
"Your magesty, I am mister cyprus, the keeper of the rat's family in the palace zoo, today, the Head of the rat family mister Ratus wrestled with the newest pet , Aboy(a cat) when he was trying to scartter the cage, where their children are kept, Mr Ratus came out from its own cage and wrestled with the cat until I came to their rescue.
The rat, Ratus was caring and strong your majesty"
Because of this strongness by Rocky's father, and Rocky's braveness at the age of two weeks brought about the name Rocky-ratus.
And the last born in the first set was called "melody"
It was Queen Angelina that gave her the name melody, because it seems like the rat likes her songs, whenever she visits their cage, at the palace zoo she usually sings and she (melody) pays more attention than the rest of the rats:
"Juliana" her mother
"Ratus" his father
"Lillie"her elder sister
"Abby" Rocky's immediate elder brother
And "Rocky" her immediate elder brother.
Queen Angelina likes the rat's family a lot just like king Brigham does, she visits the zoo every morning in absence of her husband king Angeles who hates animals with passions.
Now, after many months of the first set of Mr Ratus family, they had another set of sextuplets, starting from the oldest to the youngest are
They are all lovely and wonderful rats
The total number of the Ratus family are five-thousand in number.
From generation to Generation.
Saturday, 16 September 2017
Akwuba ijeoma Celina

Eden" the beautiful garden owned by Celina Angeles "a second princess amongst four princesses
" the princess had gone to her garden to
dwell amongst thorns"
said princess Flora, "Lina's immediate younger sister, she is the third princess of four"
" King Angeles is the king of the kingdom, who inherited leadership from his father ("king Brigham") he is the father to the four beautiful princess
Flora and princess Rose"
He is a very autocratic king that ruled the kingdom to cruel impetus.
When his father was alive, he demanded stricter laws for the low- waged peasants.
But his father being a swift- humble and lovable king turned down the offer and cautioned him (king Angeles) to be like him (king Brigham) thereby leading the people with humility , love, peace and harmony. But king Angeles gave deaf ear to his Father's instructions, by leading in his own way, brutally.
Before king Brigham died , Lina found favour in his sight, that he handed a garden of over 300,000 plots of land to her as heritage unknown to her dad (king Angeles.)
When king Brigham was alive, Lina was his pet, even though he had animal pet (a very huged lion, called (rocky-bone) the brown dog(kaylus) and a golden striped white cat(golden) as his favorite animal pets. Lina's pet name by king Brigham is "Sunshine or sweet melody.
The king said:
" when I am down, you raised me up,
Every morning you reminds of the dawn
You make my tea even when I have over fifthy-thousand servants and over two -thousand servant aspirants, out of them all" I love your service" it is a clean service from a pure heart, you are my "Sunshine" Lina, you are my "sweet Melody", that is your name and that's who you are to me
From ages to ages, as long as I live, your name shall remain in my mouth
Yes my sunshine, yes my sweet melody"
I am your sunshine
And you are my bliss
A good king with a cool mind
As long as I live, your name shall remain in my heart and mind oh "my blissful king Brigham.
Lina hug the king and they both chuckled to Bliss.
Saturdays are usually their fun day coz it is the days that got the blissfullness: a day of enthusiasm for princess Lina and grand king Brigham.
Lina is the type of person that likes singing alot while king Brigham loves playing guitar, violin and harps; even at his old age.
Lina's cousin "miss spunky likes to waltz with her younger brother " mister gregory" : She can dance ballet too and can twirk tremendously, she's really a great dancer even at her childhood age of ten.
It is the seventh day, therefore, princess Lina , miss spunky and mister Gregory had gone to the grand King's room to keep him company since he's
already old that he can no longer come to the palace to sit on the throne of leadership, Neither does he had the strength to visit the singing cottage which is located in the palace close to his old castle.
Lina had decided to compose a song for him to enlighten his mood and ease his gloomy feelings of old age while he lives to die...she sang thus
"You are my king
You are my granny
You are my cute... sweet smelling king"
You are my bliss
The reason I'm smiling
You are my caring loving king
Then the grand king will respond thus:
You are my child
You are my Sunshine
You are my dope....sweet smelling child
Then they will chorus together
You are my ....
Brigham: sunshine
The reason I'm smiling
You are my caring loving ...
LINA: King
King Brigham : Child.
Lina sings in light auto while the king sang in bass
While she sang, the old king operated the violin while the two siblings "miss Spunky and mister Gregory who left island to visit the palace on school vacation period, they danced, waltzed and twirled around and the king smiled to bliss until they dismissed to their different apartments.
When the king became ill, princess Lina had always prayed the rosery with him and asked the Almighty to keep him alive , She sneeked to the garden to plant rose flowers and plug sweet smelling pinky roses for her grand father "king Brigham"
And she always prepare the green tea for him every morning as breakfast.
Lina's kind gesture to the grand king stimulated him to hand over the lovely garden which he named the "Royal garden but his son ( King Angeles ) named it the " garden of thorns" this is because, he (king Angeles) dislikes anything that has to do with "garden" with passions. He vowed that no part of him should visit or belong to the garden of thorns"
" I am a royal princehood, I have my place in the palace and nothing concerns me with the garden of thorns!
They are the peasants!
Therefore, the garden belongs to them! "
this was the kings statement to his dad when he was still a prince to show his hatred for farming.
But lina loves the garden. She named it "the garden of eden" since it was a forbidden garden by her dad.
Grand king was glad that there's a part of him that belongs to the farm, this means there's a part of him that is still humble, then he said to Lina
"You are my sunshine
My cool sunshine
You have my heart within
Whatever I like are the things you like
Whatever matters to me matters to you
Therefore, I give my world to you.
The old king kicked the bucket at Lina's hand. And Lina wept to foul, singing the song and composing a poem
You grieved my heart and let me be
You answered their call and forget my call
Grand father
Grand king
Oh my old soul
You had the passion to live and to leave
Granny had lived for me
And left me to a far distance
Oh great and humble king
She looked up to the sky and said to the sun
After you he named me his sunshine
And while you shine
He shined to leave
Leaving me his sunshine behind....
And leaving the whole kingdom to sorrow
Oh sunshine
The cool sunshine
If you are sunshine
Shine and shine within the soul
And rise him from fouls that his soul might live for me
Ah! My old sunshine is gone
If a sunshine is gone how will the gloomy day be
Tell me
How will darkness disappear!
Lina and the whole kingdom wept for the soul of the great king.
But there's a joy behind the world, so they had to live and leave the tears behind but Lina had to live for his grand dad....
And his name is still on her lips and within her heart
Tuesday, 29 August 2017
LINA'S DIARY season 2(episode 3) My First Semester Exam
season 2 (episode 3)
My First Semester Exam
A story by
Akwuba ijeoma Celina

It was as if heaven will shift and fall on my head, when I saw the first question
I had looked at it very carefully to know if I could capture something that looks similar with what I read from the net concerning the course, yet everything looked absolutely different, as if he set the questions from another course
The exam's questions looked so confusing and frustrating
Even our course rep. Was not writing at all, he too was confused:
"Where are all these questions coming from nah....!"
Adaobi, an intelligent igbo girl that was sitting very close to me exclaimed
In self pity.
I could hear some boys hissing
And some girls murmuring and chewing gum very loud in the exam hall
"Hahahaha, Nancy is sleeping"
Demi" laughed out loud
"Is that why you are laughing as if your surname is Laughton?"
"No sir, " I laughed by mistake" I'm sorry sir"
He responded funny.
This statement "laugh by mistake, stimulated more laughter on the student
Therefore, everyone laughed . It was as if we were in a normal class where no lecturer was around
" why do you sleep in class" said another invigilator from the back?
Nancy stood up and said that she wasn't feeling very strong:
"Ah some students had fallen sick in the exam hall!
Omowumi exclaimed
"This is what we call "exam fever"
Shouted another comedian from behind.
Diary, you remember I told you that I have many comedians in my class
In episode four?
Titled "Demi's silly joke on Kemi"
There are the same people that are cracking jokes in the exam hall forgetting that our result depends even on this very course
They forgot that there's time for everything...
I didn't laugh oh; I was just looking (@^@)
(lina just bluffed)
I laughed joor"
Yes! We all did
This is because no one knew what to write on the answer booklet.
While the law students where busy talking , the ISD student that where separated from us were busy writing, they are the main owners of the Course.
I remembered recently, What aunty Flora told me " the lecturers of a borrowed course are usually very strict to the students that had the course borrowed
They do this for blocking/ sorting sake
So that there will be a massive failure among the students that borrowed the course and those that failed the course will pay to the lecturer a ransom amount of money for better grades
This is another way in which poor/greedy lecturers uses to maintain themselves
It's a shame though, so disgusting that some of them are very greedy.
When I asked her a question
She said they were being paid very well
It's just an act of wickedness and foolishness from the lecturers
No wonder we had The crudest invigilators near us, shouting and yawning very loud to our hearings in other to enhance more distractions on us
Hu , it was so annoying .
"Hey! You what are you looking at!
You illiterate
Must you look at another person's booklet..."
Shouted the invigilator with the biggest mouth! No wonder his mouth is so big
" I wondered if he had washed his mouth this early morning, my granny said that,
" people with the smelling mouth talks a lot , so that he can spread the bacteria in his dirty mouth to go viral, normally, a stinking mouth doesn't supposed to be talking so loud, only the foolish ones do"
"Amina" "a Yoruba girl that doesn't like people with a big mouth, especially those that talk too much said...." I don't know why he keeps talking, " I wonder if he still want to enlarge that his big mouth again, hu! nawa oh" she concluded
I was just looking at him, in a very careful way, coz in as much as it isn't advisable for students to insult lecturers, it is also advisable for them not to invoke insults on the students
That is why we go to school
"To learn and to be learned"
As I was still looking at the lecturer and wondering why he's always opening and closing his mouth as if he was in a chieftaincy meeting, another one with the tiniest leg said
"You law student thinks you are brilliant enough
You can't even challenge an ISD student in same course
Shame on you guys!
The main lecturer said out loud, he's the same person with the tiniest leg, biggest head and still having pot belly on top.
That Mr lecture who hardly come to class
And whenever he happen to be around, he either give an assignment or a text from a topic he didn't teach .
"Sir! Let's see their own question paper!
I guess you had set something very different from ours.
No wonder you asked us not to go out with the question paper"
Shouted the assistance course rep. In a frustrated manner.
we were eager to see the question paper
But he yawned and screamed at us as if we were a big deaf cow.
" will you keep quiet "
Keep quiet you fools!
"Ah this isn't fair at all
Said aunty Flora when I called her on phone and explained everything to her
She continues
" Nigerian students are facing too many abnormalities.
"How can a lecturer call a student a fool, that means he 've been teaching foolishness in the class"
I laughed
She continues
"This sort of thrash doesn't exist here in U.k, a student have the right to sue a lecturer to cult"
She based abroad, but she schooled here in Nigeria during her bachelor's degree program , but thereafter, she furthered her masters oversea.
She was so upset with the way we do things here . she continues
"They have no right to set questions aside from what they thought you guys.
And no right to shout at the students during exam period.
Screaming in the exam hall causes disorder in human brain, therefore, it might result to psychological syndrome. coz some students doesn't study, they read and cram words instead of learning, therefore, shouting can disorganise the brain thereafter, letting the student to forget what he read and this leads to too much thinking on the student's part"
And this could cause a very poor result, and low GP too.
Lina, if education system continues like this in our country; I mean if they doesn't change the constitution of educational sector in Nigeria, I'll will take you out from that country. You will do your masters here.
She concluded.
I was enthusiastic for her statesment, she's a good aunt that cares for her sister's daughter.
But I really love my country,, just that I don't like the way things are being performed here.
After the exam, when we came out from the hall
Some student's eye were already red,
as red as red oil. even Clara was sniffing, she suddenly develop catarrh at a moment.
When I went to meet her to know why her eyes were red like that, and nose drawing like okra soup, she told me a short story thus:
When I was writing, I didn't say a peep,
But Mr Desmond (the lecturer)
Seized my book and refuse to give it back to me, now that we are through with exams, he said I should come and see him in his office otherwise," I fail his course"
When I went to his office, he told me to come and see him in a hotel room tonight otherwise I'll see an F9 in my result.
Now I'm so scared lina, what does he want from me, that big head, big tommy, and tiny legged lecturer....what does he want from me Lina!
She sniffed again, and I had pity on my friend Clara, she has been so good to me you know.
So I said to her : if a lecturer sieze your sheet and call you a failure; don't cry and weep coz it means you had already passed the exam, just pray to God and believe your case is settled.
Just don't make a mistake by going to see him in a hotel room, it's a temptation to your success.
She smiled and said to me "thanks Hunn"
Therefore, we cuddled and left the exam venue.
Ah! Its
One thousand, two hundred and twenty-three words already.
I'll stop here for now...see you next time diary, you know I still have more papers to write, and I don't want what happened to day to repeat itself again. So see you lera...bye...
(So Lina dropped her pen, and opened the door for her friends to come in, they had something to figure out concerning the rubbish chat that unknown friends were chatting with them online, they still want to know who miss Spunky and Pascal is and so they went online ....
But then, they remembered they still have more papers to write during these days of the week.
So they decided to be calm and offline until they are through with the exams so they had to deal with those online gurus in a very serious way)
The diary of the four school girls....season 2 (episode 4) loading.............
season 2 (episode 3)
My First Semester Exam
A story by
Akwuba ijeoma Celina
It was as if heaven will shift and fall on my head, when I saw the first question
I had looked at it very carefully to know if I could capture something that looks similar with what I read from the net concerning the course, yet everything looked absolutely different, as if he set the questions from another course
The exam's questions looked so confusing and frustrating
Even our course rep. Was not writing at all, he too was confused:
"Where are all these questions coming from nah....!"
Adaobi, an intelligent igbo girl that was sitting very close to me exclaimed
In self pity.
I could hear some boys hissing
And some girls murmuring and chewing gum very loud in the exam hall
"Hahahaha, Nancy is sleeping"
Demi" laughed out loud
"Is that why you are laughing as if your surname is Laughton?"
"No sir, " I laughed by mistake" I'm sorry sir"
He responded funny.
This statement "laugh by mistake, stimulated more laughter on the student
Therefore, everyone laughed . It was as if we were in a normal class where no lecturer was around
" why do you sleep in class" said another invigilator from the back?
Nancy stood up and said that she wasn't feeling very strong:
"Ah some students had fallen sick in the exam hall!
Omowumi exclaimed
"This is what we call "exam fever"
Shouted another comedian from behind.
Diary, you remember I told you that I have many comedians in my class
In episode four?
Titled "Demi's silly joke on Kemi"
There are the same people that are cracking jokes in the exam hall forgetting that our result depends even on this very course
They forgot that there's time for everything...
I didn't laugh oh; I was just looking (@^@)
(lina just bluffed)
I laughed joor"
Yes! We all did
This is because no one knew what to write on the answer booklet.
While the law students where busy talking , the ISD student that where separated from us were busy writing, they are the main owners of the Course.
I remembered recently, What aunty Flora told me " the lecturers of a borrowed course are usually very strict to the students that had the course borrowed
They do this for blocking/ sorting sake
So that there will be a massive failure among the students that borrowed the course and those that failed the course will pay to the lecturer a ransom amount of money for better grades
This is another way in which poor/greedy lecturers uses to maintain themselves
It's a shame though, so disgusting that some of them are very greedy.
When I asked her a question
She said they were being paid very well
It's just an act of wickedness and foolishness from the lecturers
No wonder we had The crudest invigilators near us, shouting and yawning very loud to our hearings in other to enhance more distractions on us
Hu , it was so annoying .
"Hey! You what are you looking at!
You illiterate
Must you look at another person's booklet..."
Shouted the invigilator with the biggest mouth! No wonder his mouth is so big
" I wondered if he had washed his mouth this early morning, my granny said that,
" people with the smelling mouth talks a lot , so that he can spread the bacteria in his dirty mouth to go viral, normally, a stinking mouth doesn't supposed to be talking so loud, only the foolish ones do"
"Amina" "a Yoruba girl that doesn't like people with a big mouth, especially those that talk too much said...." I don't know why he keeps talking, " I wonder if he still want to enlarge that his big mouth again, hu! nawa oh" she concluded
I was just looking at him, in a very careful way, coz in as much as it isn't advisable for students to insult lecturers, it is also advisable for them not to invoke insults on the students
That is why we go to school
"To learn and to be learned"
As I was still looking at the lecturer and wondering why he's always opening and closing his mouth as if he was in a chieftaincy meeting, another one with the tiniest leg said
"You law student thinks you are brilliant enough
You can't even challenge an ISD student in same course
Shame on you guys!
The main lecturer said out loud, he's the same person with the tiniest leg, biggest head and still having pot belly on top.
That Mr lecture who hardly come to class
And whenever he happen to be around, he either give an assignment or a text from a topic he didn't teach .
"Sir! Let's see their own question paper!
I guess you had set something very different from ours.
No wonder you asked us not to go out with the question paper"
Shouted the assistance course rep. In a frustrated manner.
we were eager to see the question paper
But he yawned and screamed at us as if we were a big deaf cow.
" will you keep quiet "
Keep quiet you fools!
"Ah this isn't fair at all
Said aunty Flora when I called her on phone and explained everything to her
She continues
" Nigerian students are facing too many abnormalities.
"How can a lecturer call a student a fool, that means he 've been teaching foolishness in the class"
I laughed
She continues
"This sort of thrash doesn't exist here in U.k, a student have the right to sue a lecturer to cult"
She based abroad, but she schooled here in Nigeria during her bachelor's degree program , but thereafter, she furthered her masters oversea.
She was so upset with the way we do things here . she continues
"They have no right to set questions aside from what they thought you guys.
And no right to shout at the students during exam period.
Screaming in the exam hall causes disorder in human brain, therefore, it might result to psychological syndrome. coz some students doesn't study, they read and cram words instead of learning, therefore, shouting can disorganise the brain thereafter, letting the student to forget what he read and this leads to too much thinking on the student's part"
And this could cause a very poor result, and low GP too.
Lina, if education system continues like this in our country; I mean if they doesn't change the constitution of educational sector in Nigeria, I'll will take you out from that country. You will do your masters here.
She concluded.
I was enthusiastic for her statesment, she's a good aunt that cares for her sister's daughter.
But I really love my country,, just that I don't like the way things are being performed here.
After the exam, when we came out from the hall
Some student's eye were already red,
as red as red oil. even Clara was sniffing, she suddenly develop catarrh at a moment.
When I went to meet her to know why her eyes were red like that, and nose drawing like okra soup, she told me a short story thus:
When I was writing, I didn't say a peep,
But Mr Desmond (the lecturer)
Seized my book and refuse to give it back to me, now that we are through with exams, he said I should come and see him in his office otherwise," I fail his course"
When I went to his office, he told me to come and see him in a hotel room tonight otherwise I'll see an F9 in my result.
Now I'm so scared lina, what does he want from me, that big head, big tommy, and tiny legged lecturer....what does he want from me Lina!
She sniffed again, and I had pity on my friend Clara, she has been so good to me you know.
So I said to her : if a lecturer sieze your sheet and call you a failure; don't cry and weep coz it means you had already passed the exam, just pray to God and believe your case is settled.
Just don't make a mistake by going to see him in a hotel room, it's a temptation to your success.
She smiled and said to me "thanks Hunn"
Therefore, we cuddled and left the exam venue.
Ah! Its
One thousand, two hundred and twenty-three words already.
I'll stop here for now...see you next time diary, you know I still have more papers to write, and I don't want what happened to day to repeat itself again. So see you lera...bye...
(So Lina dropped her pen, and opened the door for her friends to come in, they had something to figure out concerning the rubbish chat that unknown friends were chatting with them online, they still want to know who miss Spunky and Pascal is and so they went online ....
But then, they remembered they still have more papers to write during these days of the week.
So they decided to be calm and offline until they are through with the exams so they had to deal with those online gurus in a very serious way)
The diary of the four school girls....season 2 (episode 4) loading.............
Friday, 23 June 2017
LINA'S DIARY season 2(episode2) Miss Spunky Online on Facebook with Bella
LINA'S DIARY season 2
Episode 2
Mhiz Spunky online on facebook WITH Bella
A story by
Akwuba Ijeoma Celina
A story by
Akwuba Ijeoma Celina
it was evening and I was with Bella at the ushered waiting for Maureen and Anita to meet us at the car park( which is very close to the ushered at the faculty of arts) for the photoshoot of Bella's birthday which is today but we wished to celebrate it on this week sunday which is June 12. It was our agreement to take a shot together as four buddies.
But, Anita and Maureen had class from 2pm to 4pm and they must get to the hostel first to dress up with our supposed outfit which is any jean wear, black top and black or jean trouser. We planed to make her birthday a very memorable one as Bella is the last buddy born among us.even though she's older than some of us.I was with her phone when she received a call from an unsaved number.
The caller has a very harsh voice when she was singing a happy birthday song to Bella.
Happy birthday to you( 4x)
How old are u now (4x)
Many more years to you(4x)
I wish u much love (4x)
Can we be lovers (4x)
Eh? Bella exclaimed and put her phone in sillent speaker.
You said what?
You heard me well baby
I can be part of you
And I'll give you joy!
Come online on Facebook so we can have a cool chat! I am mhiz spunky and I have u as friend on my list. It was a good thing having a birthday notification on facebook for a pretty damsel like you. We are one of a kind sweetheart.
Even though i wasn't hearing what the caller was saying, but Bella told me everything they had said.
When they were through with the conversation, Bella logged in on Facebook and saw 99+ notifications with more friend requests and 9+ posts on the facebook page. She received so many posts on her timeline for her birthday wish .
Its your birthday sweet angel
I wish you long life and prosperity.
This wish was from a girl called mhiz Special.
Wallup cutie its me itz trigga wishing u a happy birthday on this special day...more dick to your pussy bae! Kisses
Rubbish! Facebook gurus!
They can say trash!
Bella said as she signed out and hissed as if the wish was bitting her.
Another birthday wish came up with a girl and a guy with Bella on the pic, Bella was in the middle of them in the pic covering her beautiful face...as if she never wanted to appear on the pic and the poster wrote boldly on her timeline
Its mhiz bella's birthday hurray...!
Its mhiz bella's birthday hurray...!
My candy crush
She can pretend for Africa
More luv to u dear. Enjoy your dayday
And then another from her mum
My happiness
You are my sunshine
Giving birth to you was exhilarant with so much tears in my eyes ....with lots of pains too.I thought I wouldn't make it but God granted me the grace and today an epitome of beauty is born.
then I glanced at you with a bealm of gladness, and then you smiled and yawn and began to cry.I knew you needed something "the milk of your mummy" so I fed you with my milk! No wonder you are a part of me.
I know you are born to shine swthrt
And I pray that all your dreams be granted and may you grow in wisdom, knowledge and understanding...and may your days be long! Amen!
This touched my heart! That i began to wonder if mummies really comment or post articles on Facebook. Bella's mum posted more than ten photos on Facebook starting from Bella's first pic that shows when she was still a kid, to this present day.
Awww! My mum had never said hi to me on Facebook before even when I sent her messages. She's among those that have Facebook for fancy.you can only chat with her on whatsaap and that's the end.sometimes when u send messeges to her on whatsaap, she will reply with an SMS or with a phone call.
She can never change her whatsaap displayed pic unless I get home on holidays and decides to change it for her.
Or I will have to remind her to change her dp several times. The last night I checked her dp... It was still showing the status of "Lina goes to school" which she updated on the very day I was leaving for school.almost a year now.hu. at times i wonder if am still on my way to school
Or that am already in school....
Mummy change your status oh...
Am already in school
I said
Lol, baby Mi...I'll .
Hu mumsy will only laugh and say that she will change it which she never did.
Phew!it was so disgusting though.
Mumsy is even better compared to dad.at least she replys to chats sometimes
The message I sent to my dad since two years ago is still unseen. Sometimes I feel like collecting that Samsung galaxy x7 from him and either give him this my infinix or get a Nokia touch for him. How can someone be having such an expensive phone and will only be using it to make an ordinary call. Mtchew!
As I was still thinking about my parent lifestyle on social media, specially on whatsaap and Facebook. Not to talk of instagram or snapchap.
Snapchap is where mumsy will be cooking ewedu and she will ask Jude my younger brother to video her while she will be stiring the ewedu with words like ...hi mama Ng and Omo Mi Lina..see me on Snapchat.....!
Funny though. She likes Snapchat more than any other social network. maybe its the fact that it takes a video of her, and it doesnt require much typing than dialogue.
Awww! Bella has gone far on her timeline!
Its a pic of her on the swimming pool pavement. she was just on panties and bra and there were other girls surrounding the pool pavement too.
It was as if Bella was hugging another girl on panties and bra too. But whose face I could not recapture.
This is what was uploaded on her timeline.
"The very first day I huged u
Your body seem so cool and lovely, honey
U were just like a living being in the sea
Your sexy eye made me slumb and I wished I was a guy.but then I had second option. "I can be a lesby just to get u on my arm.
I was surprised so I asked
What does she mean by "being lesby" Hunn?
But Bella was mute as if she didn't hear my question.
Who's this bitch babe!
She was still speechless.then I kept mute too and continue to read the post
You are so sweet Hunn.the very first day you kissed my friend Fay. I knew u are just what am thinking of .happy birthday my shuga.love you to the bone.
And she concluded with the word " kisses"
It was a deadly blast on someone's timeline...that people began to comment rubbish!
awww! So you are a lesby! Wow that's so cool.
Commented a girl that was wearing bom short
Comment another called Khali baba
Wow see your sexy ass!
This comment came with I sticker of two deers kissing Each other with that red heart called love.
Some Christians or should I say those that claim to be Christian commented things like..
.Jesus is coming very soon sister, repent!
Others were like " this is a sign of end time!
And another say "oh the end is truly at our door step.
And Mr Eazie said oh how I love Ur sexy body.
It was more than one thousand comments. I wondered why they never comment on the rest , not even on her mum's post.
Ah bad things had more influence. It can attract even the strongest iron just like magnets do.
Who's is the person that had this post on your timeline babe.
I asked and Then she said
Its that same girl that called me. Mhiz Spunky. She sent this pic to me privately but while I was still thinking where I met such a girl and if I had ever kissed a girl called Fay before . she sent another message to me saying that she had posted it on my timeline to let the world know that she's in love with me. She said that she can't hide it anymore. That she wished to spend the rest of her life with me. Up till now I'm still thinking of what to tell her coz am still confuse.
Oh really, I said within me. And I looked at the pic and said to bella
Don't lie to me girl! Who's that at the pic with u, I mean the one u are hugging...is she not the one? She made mention of hugging u for the first time, right?
Yea! But i can't remember hugging a girl and asking someone to snap me while hugging my fellow girl.
I looked at the pool and trying to find out which swimming pool it is but I couldn't figure it out with my sense. Then I asked again!
Baby think!! which swimming pool is this?
That's Uniben swimming pool na.
She replied
But i don't even know the girl on the pic. She continues.. Its true that her face wasn't captured but I can't really remember hugging my fellow girl.
As I was looking at the picture trying to find out if it was a picmix or photoshop, or maybe photo editor ....Maureen and Anita came in and it was already 4:30pm so we had to leave for the shoot before it gets late....but before we made a move , I wrote boldly on my phone note pad and showed it to Bella saying....WE GAT TO FIND OUT THE MEANING OF THIS LATER ON. This can't be real!
I whispered as we all stood up and boarded a taxi to main gate...click here for season 2(episode 3)
I whispered as we all stood up and boarded a taxi to main gate...click here for season 2(episode 3)
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